July 7, 2021 | İzmir, Turkey
“Health is the most important human right.”
We, Public Institutions and Organizations; Local Authorities; United Nations (UN) Organizations; International Non-Governmental Organizations; Covid-19 Vaccine Manufacturers; International Economic and Financial Institutions; Working Life and Business World; World Travel, Tourism, Culture and Gastronomy Organizations; As Specialization Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations in the Field of Health; that came together under the coordination of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality; in the presence of the representatives of national, international and regional organizations who came together at the “World Pandemic Conference” hosted by İzmir between 6-7 July 2021; on the occasion of sharing our experiences regarding the "Covid-19 Pandemic" announced by WHO on March 11, 2021 and still continuing, we declare and confirm the following points by deciding to make a note in history.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health not only as the absence of disease or infirmity, but as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The Covid-19 Pandemic, which emerged at the end of 2019 and is effective all over the world; being aware that it negatively affects societies, organizations and states in many areas, especially health, education and economy;
At the World Pandemic Conference; by examining all aspects of the worldwide process and by discussing the measures to be taken with a fast and effective intervention against possible epidemics that may be encountered in the future; considering the possibility of encountering similar pandemics in the coming years; with the lessons we will learn from this pandemic on a global, national and local scale, it is seen that there is a need to work together, cooperate, act jointly in the light of reason and science, and use the necessary knowledge together.
Those most vulnerable in the Covid-19 Pandemic are; the elderly, the disabled, those with health problems, women and children, especially girls, and health workers who provide services at the forefront, this has been an unprecedented global pandemic with disproportionate, direct and indirect effects, and we reaffirm that this epidemic continues to be a health and socio-economic crisis.
Due to this epidemic, which will not end until all countries in the world can control the disease; together with other appropriate public health measures; strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic growth will not be possible that until large-scale, global, safe, effective and equitable vaccination is achieved.
During the period from the Pandemic declared by WHO on March 11, 2020, until July 7, 2021; considering that the total number of cases in the world will reach 185 million and the number of those who lost their lives will reach 4 million, we share our sorrow for those who lost their lives, We express our gratitude for the vital efforts of healthcare professionals and staff across all fields to respond to the pandemic.
We welcome WHO's designation of 2021 as the "International Year of Health Workers". We reaffirm our full support for WHO's leading and coordinating role in the Covid-19 response and in setting and resolving the broader global health agenda.
We are aware that the Covid-19 Pandemic will be the biggest obstacle to achieving the "UN Sustainable Development Goals" (SDG),  and underline the continued investment in global health; in a system that deserves health, emergency preparedness and sustainability; We emphasize the importance of health care in primary care and universal health coverage.
We emphasize that comprehensive Covid-19 vaccine immunity benefits the entire world; being aware of the world states and organizations that contribute finance and all kinds of contributions to vaccine equality, especially the "Accelerator for Access to Covid-19 Tools (ACT)" created through the UN and other Expertise Institutions, we support their efforts to continue their contribution in proportion to their strength and to end the epidemic jointly.
We care about the unprecedented success of safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines in one year and we emphasize the importance of continued investment in research and innovation to support these efforts.
In order to be successful in pandemic management, it is of critical importance to receive the contribution and support of all segments of the society. In order to achieve this, the authorities responsible for the management of the pandemic at the national and local level must manage all processes in a transparent manner without damaging the mutual trust relationship. Contrary attitudes cause loss of confidence in society, confusion in individuals and a chaotic environment and cause the pandemic to spiral out of control.
Reaffirming our commitment to global solidarity, equality and multilateral cooperation, we believe that we must put people at the center of preparedness for effective governance, we believe it is necessary to equip them to respond effectively, to build trust with science and evidence-based policies, and to promote sustainable financing for global health. 
In this context, we declare that as representatives of national and international organizations participating in the conference, we will adopt the following principles and objectives:
Being healthy is a necessary condition for individual, family, community, national and global social, economic and cultural development. 
The world, of which humans are a part, and all living things need light, heat, clean air and water, fertile soil, a healthy life and adequate food.
Access to comprehensive and effective health services, including public health services and primary health care, is the most important human right. 
National and personal, economic and other sources of funding and reduce inequalities in access to injustice is a prerequisite for a better public health.
Education is like health, a human right. For this reason, as the improvement in health, education and justice services increases, public health will improve and the number, severity and duration of diseases will decrease.
For the successful management of the pandemic, it is imperative to establish trust in the management of the pandemic in the society.  Governments and local governments should manage all processes in a transparent manner and accurately inform the society at every stage.
The globalization of migration, transport, trade and communication shows that solutions to public health cannot be found at the local or national level alone. However, both global and local actions are necessary and important. For this reason, cooperation should be made in common mind, science and unity.
In terms of the effective implementation of public health measures and the success of social policies developed against the pandemic; local authorities and sensitivities, institutional and current local dynamics should be taken into account by giving authority to local governments.
In order to be successful against the threats of the pandemic to human health, safety and welfare; central and local governments should stay out of daily politics and power struggle and should cooperate fully.
Psychological problems of people who have to stay at home as a result of curfews should be carefully examined, thus, in addition to such decisions to be taken in possible future pandemics, psychological measures to be taken should be put into practice at the same time. For this, each country needs to reveal these determinations and solutions for its own cultural structure and society.
With the declaration of aged people as a risky group, each country should evaluate this in its own culture regarding the negative perception of this group in social psychology and its solution regarding this issue should be shared with all individuals and organizations.
Especially the problems experienced by disadvantaged groups will affect the society in general in the future. Regarding the prevention of pandemics that these groups may experience in future pandemics; the supply of masks and cleaning materials, access to health, access to education, economic and social problems should be examined in every aspect and measures should be taken immediately.
The problems experienced by all employees who have to continue to serve the society when faced with the pandemic should be determined, thus, measures, priorities and principles to be taken in future pandemics should be determined.
Starting from the priority sectors; necessary measures should be put forward to ensure the sustainability of economic mobility.
In particular, measures and supports that will enable sectors and individuals who may be unemployed or fall into economic difficulties due to restrictions to overcome this process should be worked on.
It is very important for us that the employees of sectors who have to work and exempt from curfews, as well as students and education workers are considered as priority groups during the vaccination program.
We support the public awareness and educational broadcasts of media institutions. 
We find it valuable to take measures to ensure that the workers who contribute to the development of culture and art, manage, write, perform and publish, can continue to produce and publish during the pandemic period.
Creating information and collaborative networks for the application
After this World Pandemic Conference; in all countries of the world, including our country, it has been proven once again that working together and cooperating on a local, national, regional and world scale has emerged in order to be protected from epidemics and to eliminate all causes that have the right to life.
As a result; it is aimed to create a common information and working network for effective practices. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Non-Governmental Organizations (KLİMİK, BUHASDER) that organized the meeting together with the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and all the institutions and organizations involved in the Conference were presented at the World Pandemic Conference held for the first time in Izmir between 6-7 July 2021 in line with the studies and the published Declaration; efforts will be made to ensure the sustainability of this conference and to establish a cooperation network between institutions, especially local governments.